Fifth Hokage(Godaime Hokage):
One of the legendary Sannin, along with Jiraiya and Orochimaru. she may not appeared as old as she should be and she's the hottest of all (mind her real big bust). Tsunade-hime is the granddaughter of Shodaime and disciple of Sandaime. she has an extreme strength and mastered excellent medical skill. the reason why Orochimaru looked for her was to heal his paralyzed arms. Orochimaru offered her something in return i.e. the lives of her late lil bro, Nawaki and her lover, Dan. Thank god she didn't take the offer and chose to become the 5th Hokage. Tsunade has a brilliant assistant named Shizune and a pig pet, Tonton.

 Image                    Hitsuguya 8

               Current Rank: 1


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